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The Anatomy of New Business Development

The Center for Sales Strategy

New business development is a cornerstone of sales success. Whether you’ve heard it described as a 5-step, 6-step, or even a 9-step process, the number of steps doesn’t matter as much as the quality of execution. Let's break down the most critical steps to kickstart your new business journey: identifying great leads and securing that first meeting. If you can't master these, the rest of the process is moot.

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How to Create a Highly Collaborative Sales Coaching Environment

SBI Growth

When we think of great coaches, the picture that frequently comes to mind is of tough, no-nonsense football coaches—"field generals”, Knute Rockne, Vince Lombardi, and Bear Bryant all come to mind. However, famous coaches do more than just give motivational speeches. They are also great teachers during practice sessions, getting their players to buy into new ideas, techniques, and strategies with the goal of constant improvement.

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Exceptional Design – Enhancing Tech Adoption and Customer Experience

Customer Think

Exceptional Design Enhancing Tech Adoption and Customer Experience Article source: [link] In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, digital product design has emerged as a critical factor influencing adoption rates and overall customer experience.

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Strategic Management Done Right: Set up a Strategic Management Office (SMO)


Most organizations struggle with Strategy execution. In fact, numerous studies from top consulting firms (including McKinsey, Bain, BCG) and Harvard Business Review have shown approximately 70% of strategies fail due to poor execution. Furthermore, organizations only realize about 60% of their strategies’ value. Having a Strategic Management Office –i.e.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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HSL: An Intuitive Way to Represent Color in CSS

Help Scout

When writing CSS, the most common formats we use for expressing a color are either a hex code or an RGB value. But are they the best way? Learn to see color as an artist with HSL.

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Should I Use an SMB-Specific CRM?


Good customer relationship management (CRM) software is the not-so-secret weapon of every business that makes consistent sales. A CRM can help you to: manage your leads and customers in one place, encourage collaboration between customer-facing teams, and create a repeatable process for leading your prospect through the buyer’s journey successfully.

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What Qualifies As a Core Competence?


The concept of Core Competence was first introduced by C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel in 1990, in their article The Core Competence of the Corporation. Since then, this term has become part of the general business vernacular. Companies constantly claim various things to be part their “core competencies.” But, are these really Core Competencies?

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Seven Ways to Get Out of a Sales Slump

SBI Growth

If you are in a sales slump, the good news is that you have likely experienced sales success in the past and can get back on track. As a starting point, it’s important to recognize that fluctuations in sales results are natural and that several factors impact sales performance. These include economic headwinds, industry trends, changing market conditions, and increased competition.

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All Types of Payment Methods Business Owners Need to Know [+Data]

Hubspot Sales

As a freelancer, I have to accept many types of payments from my clients. Some prefer to pay via credit card, while others can set up ACH payments for direct deposit. I’m not too picky about how they want to pay as long as I get paid. This is my approach because I want to make sure it’s as easy as possible for clients to pay. Not only does this help maintain a steady cash flow, but it also keeps my clients happy by removing any hassles.

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Should I Use a SaaS-Specific CRM?


Customer relationship management (CRM) software is an essential tool for streamlining your sales process and closing more deals with less hassle and guesswork. As a SaaS business owner, you understand the importance of good CRM software, and you’re probably already shopping around for a CRM for your business. But the question on your mind might be: “Should I use a SaaS-specific CRM or a general-purpose one?

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Expect the Best From Your Salespeople – and Get It!

The Center for Sales Strategy

Have you ever spilled coffee down your shirt just before leaving for work and decided it would be a bad day? You expected it to be a bad day, so it probably was! A negative mindset can set the tone for the hours to come. On the other hand, have you ever felt so good about a presentation you were making that you walked in with super-charged confidence and a little extra bounce in your step?

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Be Ready: Closing the Deal in Summer

FinListics Solutions

Summer can be a challenging time to close deals due to vacations and a generally slower business pace. From scorching summer days to your clients and prospects' thoughts drifting toward sandy beaches and cool drinks, it can seem as if business stops for a few weeks.

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Incentivize Your Sales Reps to Pursue Higher Quality Deals

SBI Growth

Most companies fail to realize that they could be generating an uplift of two to five percent from every sales rep just by adjusting their compensation plan to focus on incentivizing the right behaviors , which—spoiler alert—many companies do not.

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How SaaS Firms Leverage MEDDICC Through Growth Stages

Force Management

With funding comes responsibility. In the SaaS world, you don't have time to wait. The global SaaS market is growing more rapidly than even optimists projected (18%), and we’re right at the center of it. Over half of the SaaS firms in the world are located in the US.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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How to Manage a Sales Pipeline for SMBs


The one thing a growing business needs– above all else– is sales. For small and mid-sized businesses, it’s important to make more sales while operating as efficiently and budget-wise as possible. A well-managed sales pipeline can help you achieve this. Read on to learn how to manage a sales pipeline for SMBs, the benefits of doing so, and best practices.

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Skills Employees Need In Order to Leverage Generative AI

Customer Think

I originally wrote today’s post for Coveo. It appeared on their site on March 21, 2024 The hottest topic in business today is artificial intelligence, specifically generative AI, a form of artificial intelligence that is capable of generating text, images, videos, audio, data, analyses, etc. based on prompts to do just that.

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Ready to Revolutionize Your Sales Strategy? Here Are the Three Game-Changing Bets You Must Make Now

FinListics Solutions

It's time to face the truth: traditional sales tactics are dead. Your competition will leave you in the dust if you're not ready to adapt.

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How to Ease Buying Friction and Capture More Commercial Wins

SBI Growth

For commercial leaders looking to make 2024 their benchmark year, winning over buyers seems increasingly difficult. They’re not alone in thinking so: most CEOs we spoke to agree that external buyer factors are the biggest challenges to commercial productivity. They cite unpredictable changes that occur in the buying process, threatening to reset all buying progress.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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SEO Revisited: How SEO (Still) Works in 2024

Strategic Communications

Content marketing is still something that a lot of companies, large and small, continue to invest in. The ultimate goal, of course, is sales. But, along the way to a sale, content marketers must first capture attention, drive traffic to a website (in most cases), and deliver on the promise that their copy promo or social media post suggested. SEO, or search engine optimization, has been a big part of this process.

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Risk Mitigation in Sales Compensation Design


Whether or not the idea of “Growth at all costs” is dead, organizations are nevertheless revising sales incentive plans to limit incentive costs if organizational goals are missed. Sales incentives and commissions are a significant contributor to Operating Expenses and are early candidates for cost-cutting areas. Fortunately, organizations can protect against high costs while maintaining target pay levels, and still provide significant incentives for high performance.

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McKinsey On Maximizing Marketing’s Ability to Drive Growth

Customer Think

Recent research has shown that CEOs now expect marketing to be a primary driver of revenue growth in their organization. In a 2023 survey of CEOs by The Conference Board, respondents were asked to identify their plans for growing profits in 2024. The second most frequently selected option was “Increase sales via marketing.

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Would You Appreciate a 64% Alliance Satisfaction Score?

Peter Simoons

Over all the Alliance Health Checks I’ve performed for clients, the average satisfaction score relating to the partner relationship varies between 3.2 and 4.6 (out of a scale of 5). In other words, between 64% and 92% of those surveyed are satisfied with their partner collaboration. Would you be happy with a 64% satisfaction score for your strategic alliances?

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.

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Top 5 Questions About the Project to Product Shift


When delivery time is slow and unpredictable, demand exceeds capacity, and constraints and dependencies are poorly understood, it’s hard to deliver fast or pivot quickly. And now, paired with a sluggish economic environment, these factors put increasing pressure on anyone who’s focused on creating and delivering business value faster (read: everyone).

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Essential Operational Excellence Leadership Behaviors


Operational excellence is a management philosophy that focuses on continuously improving an organization's processes, systems, and workflows to optimize performance and deliver value to customers. Operational excellence happens when an organization consistently and reliably outperforms the competition through constant improvement and a dedication to customer value.

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What is a strategic account management in advertising agency?

May Phoo Pan

Discover the unique challenges and responsibilities of account managers in ad agencies. Learn how to strategically manage client relationships, internal teams, and project deliverables to drive agency success.

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On the Front Foot: How to Drive Customer-Led Innovation

Customer Think

It’s never been more important to keenly listen to the customer. At a time of tremendous economic uncertainty and business volatility, executives across all industries are facing pressure to drive profitable growth. There is demand for growth, but meanwhile, budgets, systems, and tools are under scrutiny to reduce costs.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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4 Biggest Traps to Avoid for Increased Sales Coaching ROI

SBI Growth

Industry research shows that consistent sales coaching can dramatically improve the performance of sales teams, driving up revenue by over 20%. With such potential benefits, it is no wonder that many sales organizations recommend that their front-line sales managers spend between 25% - 40% of their time on sales coaching. However, many managers are seeing mediocre results from coaching despite their best efforts.

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How Strategy Executives Use ClearPoint for Impactful Strategy Management

ClearPoint Strategy

Find out how strategy executives utilize ClearPoint Strategy to streamline strategic management, planning, and execution across their organizations.

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How To Use Generative AI in Customer Support

Help Scout

Discover how you can integrate generative AI into your customer support strategy for improved operational efficiency and an elevated customer and agent experience.

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Planview ERGs Honor Juneteenth, Pride Month, and More in June 


With so much happening in June, we want to outline important events at Planview with some employee insight. At Planview, ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) play a crucial role in creating connections and involving people in groups that pertain to people’s interests. Our ERGs, such as Planview Kaleidoscope, Pride, and Women at Planview, are actively organizing events and educating employees about their initiatives.

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Contact vs. Company Intent Signal Data

Contact and company intent data both have their advantages. Contact-level intent leads can be acted on immediately to reach active buyers, while company-level leads improve outcomes for account-based marketing and other programs. This infographic unpacks the advantages of both contact and company data and gives details about how B2B marketers can benefit from both.