June, 2024

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Guide to Strategic Account Planning


Strategic account planning is essential for maximizing revenue from your largest accounts. By understanding and addressing each customer’s unique needs and opportunities, sales teams can drive growth and retention. This guide consolidates expert insights and best practices to help you optimize your strategic account planning. What is Strategic Account Planning?

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Why White Space Analysis is Critical to Account Growth

SBI Growth

Boost revenue by using white space analysis to identify unmet demand in existing accounts. Selling to current customers has a 60-70% success rate.

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What is a strategic account management in advertising agency?

May Phoo Pan

Discover the unique challenges and responsibilities of account managers in ad agencies. Learn how to strategically manage client relationships, internal teams, and project deliverables to drive agency success.

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B2B Book Club Selection (Vol 6)

Account Manager Tips

Discover game-changing books for B2B sales, customer success, and key account management. Level up your skills and strategies with insights from "Unsticking Deals," "The Innovative Seller," and "The Squiggly Career.

B2B 186
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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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Can a salesperson achieve a Work/Life Balance?

Software Sales Guru

Can a salesperson achieve a Work/Life Balance? Common wisdom suggests that if you want to succeed as a salesperson, you must be working 24/7. Prospect wants to talk at 8:30 on Friday night? You better take that call! But the truth is most top performers are not workaholics. They squeeze more out of the same 24 hours we all have. I’ve interviewed many top software.

Software 130
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Essential People Management Skills for Sales Leaders

The Center for Sales Strategy

Sales leadership is not just about driving numbers and closing deals; it's fundamentally about people management. The success of any sales team hinges on the ability of its leader to manage, motivate, and mentor their team effectively. Although many things contribute to your team’s overall success, there are five essential people management skills every sales leader must master to build a successful and motivated sales team.

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The End Of Competitive Advantage With Rita McGrath

The SAMA Podcast

Joining today’s episode is Rita McGrath, a bestselling author and distinguished faculty member at Columbia Business School, where she’s the Academic Director in Executive Education. Rita's groundbreaking book, The End of Competitive Advantage, challenged traditional thinking and offered a new playbook for navigating the ever-shifting business landscape.

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The Ultimate Sales Cheat Sheet Template to Help Boost Rep Success [New Data + Templates]

Hubspot Sales

In my experience as both a budding sales rep and, later on, a team manager, success in selling often comes down to the process. Using a sales cheat sheet has been one of the most effective ways I’ve found to get new employees up to speed, create a consistent experience for prospects, and consistently exceed sales goals. I like using a defined sales playbook supported by tried-and-true templates to build out a repeatable sales cycle that leads to predictable and scalable growth.

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From Typewriters to AI: Leadership Over the Past 60 Years

MDI Training

Photo credits: Jenny Theolin From Typewriters to AI: Leadership Over the Past 60 Years This was our Leadership Horizon Conference of 2024! Click here and immerse yourself in the Highlights. From Typewriters to AI: The Evolution of Technology and Leadership Over the Past 60 Years As we stand on the brink of a new era in technology and leadership , it’s crucial to reflect on the journey that has brought us here.

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How to Resolve 7 Sales Team Issues

Brooks Group

Even the most cohesive organizations can experience sales team issues. Sales professionals (in general) tend to be confident, extraverted, and opinionated. Although some of these subjects might seem mundane to those who aren’t in a sales career , there are several topics sales professionals often have strong opinions about. Anything that directly impacts prospecting , presenting, closing , and compensation can turn into an impassioned debate among members of the profession.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Can My Top-Performing Salesperson Become a Top-Performing Manager?

The Center for Sales Strategy

We know that top-performing salespeople are extremely driven to meet and exceed their goals. With that drive also comes the desire to continue to move up the ladder. As a leader, it’s natural to have these salespeople “next on this list” to move up when a position becomes available. But are all top-performing salespeople destined to become top-performing managers?

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Exceptional Design – Enhancing Tech Adoption and Customer Experience

Customer Think

Exceptional Design Enhancing Tech Adoption and Customer Experience Article source: [link] In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, digital product design has emerged as a critical factor influencing adoption rates and overall customer experience.

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Planview ERGs Honor Juneteenth, Pride Month, and More in June 


With so much happening in June, we want to outline important events at Planview with some employee insight. At Planview, ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) play a crucial role in creating connections and involving people in groups that pertain to people’s interests. Our ERGs, such as Planview Kaleidoscope, Pride, and Women at Planview, are actively organizing events and educating employees about their initiatives.

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Strategic Management Done Right: Set up a Strategic Management Office (SMO)


Most organizations struggle with Strategy execution. In fact, numerous studies from top consulting firms (including McKinsey, Bain, BCG) and Harvard Business Review have shown approximately 70% of strategies fail due to poor execution. Furthermore, organizations only realize about 60% of their strategies’ value. Having a Strategic Management Office –i.e.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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KPIs vs Metrics – Tips & Tricks to Performance Measures


Understanding how you’ll measure success in strategic planning is one of the most pivotal elements of a successful and actionable strategic plan. But, we’re going to let you in on a little trade secret – measuring the right performance metrics and KPIs can be downright tricky, especially if you’ve been using them interchangeably without realizing they are different tools.

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How This Swag Startup Made $3.3 Million in Year One

Hubspot Sales

Welcome to Trends , a weekly newsletter with the zestiest business trends and actionable insights for entrepreneurs. This story was originally published in 2021 and updated with new data. Trendster Michael Martocci went to school to study finance. Instead, he ended up with a side project that would eventually make him millions. “My buddy and I wanted to get custom flags and shirts made to promote a location-based social media network that we were building on campus, and it just seemed super expe

Finance 98
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Utilizing Talent Assessments for Employee Development

The Center for Sales Strategy

Electronics come with user manuals, food packaging comes with cooking instructions, furniture comes with assembly instructions, and clothing comes with care instructions. People are much more complex than the items you buy, yet people don’t come with instructions on how to get the best out of them. What if you knew how a person was wired before hiring or coaching them?

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How to Develop a Comprehensive Employee Experience Program to Boost Your Company

Customer Think

Image source ECXO.org How to Develop a Comprehensive Employee Experience Program to Boost Your Company “Start with the needs of employees first. They may not stick around for long“ The article source: – [link] Introduction Developing a comprehensive Employee Experience program is essential for driving positive business outcomes.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Maximize ROI in Finance Operation


To capture a positive ROI in their finance operations, growth stage companies must address both compliance and strategic financial considerations

Finance 105
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What Qualifies As a Core Competence?


The concept of Core Competence was first introduced by C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel in 1990, in their article The Core Competence of the Corporation. Since then, this term has become part of the general business vernacular. Companies constantly claim various things to be part their “core competencies.” But, are these really Core Competencies?

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HSL: An Intuitive Way to Represent Color in CSS

Help Scout

When writing CSS, the most common formats we use for expressing a color are either a hex code or an RGB value. But are they the best way? Learn to see color as an artist with HSL.

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All Types of Payment Methods Business Owners Need to Know [+Data]

Hubspot Sales

As a freelancer, I have to accept many types of payments from my clients. Some prefer to pay via credit card, while others can set up ACH payments for direct deposit. I’m not too picky about how they want to pay as long as I get paid. This is my approach because I want to make sure it’s as easy as possible for clients to pay. Not only does this help maintain a steady cash flow, but it also keeps my clients happy by removing any hassles.

Banking 89
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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Improving Sales Performance: Are You THAT Kind of Coach?

The Center for Sales Strategy

Professional athletes have coaches. Oscar-winning actors have coaches. Pop icons have coaches. Wait!? Even people who have been in the business for a long time? Why do they need coaches? That’s easy! Top performers, whether they are professional athletes, Oscar-winning actors, pop icons, or sales professionals, are not content with just being good. They strive to maintain their edge, stay on top, and climb even higher.

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CX ROI Handbook: Connecting Customer Experience and Employee Experience ROI

Customer Think

What is the employee experience and customer experience ROI connection? Let’s take a look at all the players and definitions. Business value is: — Created primarily by ALL non-customer-facing employees and suppliers. — Communicated by Marketing and Sales employees. — Fulfilled by Operations and Service Delivery employees and partners. — Rescued by Service Recovery employees.

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How to Write Effective AI Prompts for B2B Sales

Force Management

Whether you’re a sales leader, manager, or seller, we’ve all been hearing a lot about the potential of AI for sales. You may already be incorporating some AI-powered tools in your sales stack. Like any new technology, generative AI tools require a learning curve to be most effective. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini or Claude in particular can give very different quality outputs depending on the input they’re given.

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SME Strategy supports Cascadia Partners with their fleet electrification Marketing strategy

Strategic Planning and Management Insights

Explore how SME Strategy partnered with Cascadia Consulting to develop a successful marketing strategy for fleet electrification.

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The Truth About Sales Agility: Separating Fact From Fiction

Speaker: Michelle Vazzana

Every sales organization wants their sales force to be agile. Why? Because the world is rapidly changing, becoming more complex, and making the salesperson’s job harder. Organizational leaders are unsure of the best way to equip sellers to succeed in this new reality. Should they change their sales methodology? Should they adopt better technology tools?

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How a Lean Transformation and Framework Facilitate Innovative Business Strategies


In an era where efficiency and agility are paramount, Lean business transformation has emerged as a pivotal strategy for organizations aiming to streamline operations and enhance value creation. By adopting Lean principles, companies can significantly reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate time-to-market. In today's dynamic business environment, the Lean method is prized for its adaptability across various industries, from manufacturing to services, and its ability to ensure that business

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How to Measure Sales Training ROI (and Why)

Brooks Group

You know you should measure sales training ROI. But you wonder if it’s really important. Isn’t the main thing just to get the training done? Yes and no. Step one, you need to train your sales team. But step two should be making sure your training is getting the results you want. You can only know if training contributes to the bottom line when you measure the before-and-after impact.

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Unveiling New Business Success: The Top 6 Essential Talents for Hunter Sellers and Why

The Center for Sales Strategy

Achieving excellence requires more than just closing deals—it demands a unique blend of talents that propel individuals to greatness. As sales managers strive to curate their roster of business superstars, identifying candidates who embody the following six key talents, known as the "hunter themes," is paramount to new business development.

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How to Use ChatGPT-4o in Customer Service

Customer Think

OpenAI´s launch of GPT-4o marks a significant leap forward in LLMs (large language models) in regard to combining the capabilities of text, audio, and visual data processing. This comprehensive AI model promises to transform customer service.

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.